Safeguarding Policy

1 Statement of Intent

          • This statement of policy and procedures applies to users of, and activities in, Ipplepen Village Hall

             and any ancillary activities which are the responsibility of the Village Hall Trustees.

          • The Ipplepen Village Hall Trustees, their staff and volunteers have a duty to safeguard all vulnerable

             users of the hall and its premises.

          • They should respond to any concerns they may have regarding the physical, sexual, emotional

             or psychological safety of a child, young person or vulnerable adult or concerns relating to discriminatory

             or financial violation or exploitation of a child, young person or vulnerable adult.

          • This policy is in place to protect all children, young persons or vulnerable adults regardless of gender     

             ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion or faith. This policy applies to all users of the village hall and its     

             environs managed by the Trustees.

2 Principles

          • The welfare of the child, young person or vulnerable adult is paramount and is the responsibility of

             everyone. All children, young people and vulnerable adults, without exception, have the right to protection

             from abuse, whether physical, verbal, sexual, bullying, exclusion or neglect. Bullying, shouting, physical

             violence, sexism and racism towards children, young people and vulnerable adults will not be permitted

             or tolerated and may well be crimes. All Hall users must have their privacy respected and dignity

             preserved at all times.

          • The responsibility for ensuring the safety of children, young people or vulnerable adults while at the hall

             rest with the individual or organisation hiring the hall.

3 Policy Statement

• All Village Hall Trustees, staff and volunteers need to be aware of this Safeguarding Policy.

• All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a child, young person or vulnerable adult will be taken seriously and dealt with speedily and appropriately.

• There will be a nominated and named Child Protection and Vulnerable Users representative (see appendix) to who any suspicions or concerns may be reported.

• No member of the Trustees, helpers or other volunteers or staff will have unsupervised access to children, young people or vulnerable adults.

• The trustees will endeavour to keep the premises safe for use by children, young people and vulnerable adults and they recognise that a higher standard of safety is required where use is made by small children, those who cannot read safety notices and physically disabled adults.

• Any organisations or individuals hiring the hall for the purposes of holding activities involving children, young people or vulnerable adults must confirm by signing the terms and conditions of booking that they have read this Policy Document.

• The Trustees will ensure that hirers are made aware of their obligations under the Licensing Act 2003 to ensure that alcohol is not sold to those under the age of 18. The Trustees will ensure that hirers are aware that no children may be admitted to films when they are below the age classification for the film or show.

• This policy and procedures will be reviewed annually at the Annual General Meeting and updated as appropriate in the interim periods.

• Any Trustee or user of the Village Hall should be aware that if they have a concern about a child or young person they should contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email If they think a vulnerable adult is being abused in any way they should contact Care Direct on 0345 1551 007 or email If they consider a child, young person or vulnerable adult to be at immediate risk they should contact the Police by telephoning 999. Further details can be found at .

4 Procedures

• All Village Hall Trustees are advised to read and be aware of the Parents and Carers Page of the Devon Children and Families Partnership ( ).

• An annual review will take place following the AGM to allow for any required up-date of policies and or procedures following the expectations of Government and Devon County Council. New Village Hall Trustees must be made aware of this policy and understand their responsibilities.

• A copy of the policy will be available on the website and displayed in the village hall. Hirers must have their attention drawn to it.

• Organisations hiring the hall for activities for children will be asked to confirm that they have suitable Child Protection policies in place before the first booking commences. Individuals hiring the hall for activities for children will be made aware of this policy. Organisations hiring the hall for activities specifically involving vulnerable adults will be asked to confirm that they have a suitable Vulnerable Adults Protection policy before the first booking commences. Other organisations hiring the hall whose activities may involve vulnerable adults will be made aware of this policy.

• If the premises is used by more than one hirer, the attention of hirers will be drawn to the need to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are supervised when using toilets.

• The supervision of all groups remains the responsibility of the people who hire the hall and sign the terms and conditions of booking.


          The nominated Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult representative is

          Alistair Dewhirst, Village Hall Trustee

          Tel 01803 812958 –

The representative will have responsibility for reporting any concerns that may arise, as a matter of urgency, to the local authority Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult agencies or the Police as appropriate.

The nominated person should:

          • know who to contact for advice and referrals

          • know about helplines and other sources of help for children and young people and vulnerable adults

          • ensure that there is an environment in which Trustees and users of the Hall have the opportunity to raise

             any child protection or vulnerable adult protection concerns.